Sunday, April 24, 2011

Week 32 and 33!

I even wore heels!
Leighton and Tanya cutting a rug.
I'm a little behind, but only because we've been so busy.  We went to my school's auction on 4/16 (where we somehow didn't win anything...)  We got all dressed up and even went out dancing afterwards.  Leighton had a blast dancing with anyone who was willing, especially during my mandatory rest sessions.

The next day was the Welcome Home Yuki BBQ!  We're so happy to have her back and it seemed like a good excuse for a party.  Cousin JoYi was quite intrigued by my belly (as the younger sister, she never got to see mom pregnant).  She kept poking my belly button, maybe hoping it would do something.

Roasty is currently the size of a large jicama.  The baby weighs almost 4 pounds and is now in the crazy growth phase.  He will start gaining about a half a pound a week!  I'm now weighing in at...198 pounds!  Take your guesses as to when I'll cross over to the 200 pound mark.

JoYi and Thai playing with their new cousin in utero.
Other exciting news is that I have been ordained by the Universal Life Church so that I can marry sweet Yuki to my adoring brother.  Watch out for wedding invitations soon!


  1. I can't believe how long your hair is and how gorgeous you are!

  2. So glad someone finally commented on my blog! Thanks, ladies!!!
